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       The first leg of the National Snowmobile Championships' 2015-2016 season, takes place in Arxan city, North China's Inner Mongolia autonomous region from Tuesday as part of the campaign promoting 's bid to host the 2022 Olympic Winter Games.

      The leg, jointly organized by the State motor sports administration and China Tourism Automobile and Cruise Association (CTACA), will see riders race head-to-head on closed courses designed on natural snow terrains.

2015 - 2018 ? 馬鞍山市潤華鋼鐵材料有限公司 - 皖ICP備15006148號
TEL:8888-88888888 / FAX:8888-88888888 / 地址:安徽省馬鞍山市經濟技術開發區太白大道2299號